Thursday, February 18, 2010

Go for it!

This is my first semester as an undergraduate at Bond University.

After recently completing high school the year before, I am very eager to learn and experience as much as I can. Hearing about the Manager for a Day program got me quite excited. I am still contemplating what specific area I would like to specialize in so this for me was a great opportunity to gain an understanding of what truly makes up a hotel and the roles in which managers play.

The Manager for a day program at Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa was a lot of fun and definitely opened my eyes.

Arriving at 8.20am, I met up with my ‘guide’, Andrew Nadin (Director of Food and Beverage). Everyday there are morning meetings that must be attended, so after getting to know each other a little bit, off we went. I discovered that these meetings are quite important; it allows a chance for managers from various areas of the hotel to come together and share relevant news and/or updates.

Afterwards, Andrew gave me a tour of the Marriott. Starting with the Lobby Lounge Bar (which is to the right when you first enter). Unfortunately from all the rain that had been pouring down during that week, it had caused a leak in the ceiling. Although it was rather small, it held high priority on his to do list. Even though a large pot plant was placed underneath to catch the leaking water, it was interesting to see that while guests who entered the bar only saw a lovely plant feature, to Andrew it looked out of place and ridiculous.

Later on we payed a visit to Benihana Japanese Steak House, which is Australia’s largest specialist teppanyaki restaurant. It has such a great reputation that it is booked out every Friday and Saturday night. As Andrew talked about the restaurant, I discovered that all but one chef came from the Philippines. However during work, all of the chefs must speak English. This was to create an even playing field, in order not to exclude anyone from anything.

Being shown around the Presidential Suite was a highlight for me. Not only was it incredibly beautiful but also held a great view from the two balconies. Nevertheless it was to be renovated in the next couple of weeks.

Not many people (including myself) ever really think about the housekeeping side of managing a hotel. It surprised me that there are so many different aspects to housekeeping. Cleaning and preparing a room is just the beginning, there’s the washing and drying of bed sheets, pillowcases, towels, etc., mending of employees work attire, daily stocktaking of stored products (everything from shampoo and conditioner to tea and coffee sachets).

For the students that are interested in participating in the Manager for a day program, I would like to say GO FOR IT!!

It is a great opportunity, to not only learn more about the industry and gain some hands-on experience but to also network. The more people you met and establish a good impression, the better. You never know, you may even get a job out of it!

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